Personal information
Phone: +34 943018287
FAX: +34 943015800
email: dario.bercioux(AT)
Short CV (Complete CV in PDF):
2019- IKERBASQUE Research Associate at the Donostia International Physics Center & group leader at MEPS
2014-2019 IKERBASQUE Research Fellow at the Donostia International Physics Center with Dr. Sebastian Bergeret
2013-2014 Postdoctoral research in Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems with Prof. Dr. Piet Brouwer
2012 Associate Professor (Privatdozent in German) of the Physics Department of the University of Freiburg
2010-2013 Postdoctoral research in Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies with Prof. Dr. Hermann Grabert
2008-2010 Postdoctoral research in Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in the group of Prof. Dr. Michael Thorwart
2007-2008 Postdoctoral research at the University of Freiburg in the group of Prof. Dr. Hermann Grabert.
2004-2006 Postdoctoral research at the University of Regensburg in the group of Prof. Dr. Klaus Richter
2005 Doctorate in Theoretical Physics from University of Napoli; Thesis advisors: V. Cataudella and V.M. Ramaglia
2001 Graduated in Physics from the University of Napoli
Research Interests:
• Electron Transport in Nanostructures
• Spintronics
• Dissipative systems
• Carbon-based materials
• Quantum transport out of equilibrium
• Topological Insulators and Superconductors
• Floquet approach to quantum transport
• Mesoscopic superconductivity in Topological Insulators and Excitonic Insulators
Research Grants:
- DFG BE 4564/1-1 on “Spin Effects in Quantum Transport in Carbon Nanotubes”
- IKERBASQUE Research Fellowship 2013
- Departamento de educación, política lingüística, y cultura de Gobierno Vasco, “Spin-Orbit Photonics and Quantum Applications (SOPhoQua)” Project: PI2016-41 together with Aitzol García-Etxarri, Geza Giedke, Juan José Sáenz. Ph.D. Position for 3 years and 10.500 Euro in travel costs and consumable.
- Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), “Electronic transport in hybrid structures, low-dimensional materials, superconductors, magnets semiconductors, and normal metals”, co-PI with Sebastian Bergeret, Project: FIS2017-82804-P—support for travel costs and consumables for a grand total of 60.500 euros.
- Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), “Spectral and transport properties of quantum materials: application to disordered conventional and artificial condensed-matter systems (ENACT)”, together with Miguel A. Cazalilla, Project: PID2020-120614GB-I00. Support for travel costs and consumables for a grand total of 96.400 euros.